2020: A Note of Gratitude During Times of Adversity


Dear friends and supporters, 

If you're like me, your inbox as been extra full these days. That's why I would like to express my gratitude and say thank you. 

Since the beginning of the year, because of your support, Kikulu has been able to provide more than $10,000 dollars in support for education and COVID relief.  

Thank you for powering this effort through your generosity!

Our partners and students in Uganda have been thinking about everyone and asking about you during this tumultuous time. For us, it's been challenging, but we know that through challenge also comes positivity. We've seen our global community come together through this shared experience and we're so incredibly inspired by you and your commitment to helping others. 

We look forward to sharing more with you in the coming months, but for now, we want to share the good news about how the students are navigating back-to-school (or, back-to-learning, in this case). :)

Thank you for being here with us in a time when everyone feels extra depleted.  

With gratitude, 
Alisha and the Kikulu Foundation Team

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Tutoring + Lessons 
Students have been focused on tutoring and small group lessons at the children's home. If classes do not resume until next year, we have plans in place to support our partners by assisting with funding to hire teachers and purchase books and materials for at-home learning.

LuminAID x TKF
We've been partnering with LuminAID since 2012, and we're thankful to be a  beneficiary again this year. We're thrilled to have 100 solar-powered portable lanterns en route to Uganda that should arrive at the end of September. These are crucial for access to light after sundown. 

Provisions for Living and Learning

Our relief fund for daily food and provisions is still in full force. With the support of these funds, food is provided to 110 kids for 3 meals a day. It's like feeding ten football teams, three times a day, day-after-day. 

CommunityAlisha Robertson